Problem event blue screen windows 7
Problem event blue screen windows 7

A blue screen contains two to three important pieces of information.


This indicates an error code in the format “0x00000” and sometimes a responsible system file (e.g. Example: “KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED” or “DATA_BUS_ERROR”. The error message characteristically uses all caps.

problem event blue screen windows 7

In older versions it’s in the third line from the top. On Windows 10, this appears at the very bottom of the display.

  • As soon as the blue screen reappears, note down the error message.
  • Under “Start and restore” you have the option to uncheck the box next to “Perform automatic restart”. This opens a new window with your system information. Proceed as follows: right-click on “Computer” (e.g. With Windows, you have the option of deactivating the automatic restart of your system so that you have enough time to read the error message displayed in the Windows blue screen.
  • Obtain the information that was displayed on the blue screen.
  • If your PC is running again, there are a few strategies that you can use to find the cause of your BSOD.
  • If your PC doesn’t automatically restart, wait a few minutes before you turn it back on manually.
  • problem event blue screen windows 7

    Sometimes, blue screens are triggered by faulty devices or device operators.

  • Remove any unnecessary hardware such as external hard drives, headphones, cameras, USB drives, etc.
  • In this case, a blue screen as a “precautionary measure” isn’t out of the ordinary. Contamination, by dust, for example, also has a considerable influence on the temperature of the system and its performance, and so can cause hardware damage. This could be because it doesn’t have enough room to sufficiently circulate the air. If it’s unusually hot, it may not be ventilating properly.

    problem event blue screen windows 7

    Ideally, you’ll even know which programs were open. Note down your last action as best you can. Were you playing a game or just editing a document? Were you viewing a video or were you in the middle of a video conference? The answer can serve as a good indication as to the cause of your blue screen. Try to remember exactly what you were doing on the PC right before you saw the blue screen.

    Problem event blue screen windows 7